Watch out for that damned Yule Cat


Shopping smart...

Posted by Helgi Harðarson on

The postage fee from Iceland on packages going abroad is the same for any package weighing up to 2 kilograms! So 1 candy bar will cost as much to send as a whole discount box. To make the best use of your postage pick a discount box or collect things in your cart for up to (or a little less than) 2 kilos. Remember, we will gladly switch items around for you in discount boxes as long as the cost and weight is similar. Just add note to seller with requested items you want switched and we will happily oblige if we possibly can.

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New in store!

Posted by Sveinbjörn Pálsson on

People are going nuts over the Grapevine's new jacket. Designed by legendary Art Director Sveinbjörn Pálsson, the jacket has caused riots in our ordering system. You wouldn't think our customers could punch each other through the screen, and you would be right, but there are some cracked screens out there.

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