A wise person once said that if you can get to know a nation’s candy you can get to know a nation’s heart. For this box we did a lot of research and scientifically calculated how much Icelandic candy an average person needs to survive for one month. The answer lies within this box. Filled to the brim with all the best candy Iceland has come up with. *NOTE: Exact products included may vary slightly depending on availability.

Icelandic festive luxury chocolates! You will find these in almost every home in Iceland during the holiday season...This is the smallest box we have for those who just want the taste before bringing in the big boxes! Contains 14 pieces of luxury chocolates. (If we run out of these, we'll ship you a Bar of Nói Síríus Chocolate instead).
This one stands on the shoulders of mighty Djúpur but has delicious pepper dust coating and liquorice centre.
If you have crossed passed with these, chances are that you are addicted to them AND if you are: They are available in bulk separately...Just send us a line at shop@grapevine.is and we will send them in cart loads!
Nói Siríus - Kropp 200g
Nóa kropp is an Icelandic classic. Could possibly be likened to Maltesers in some sense but smaller and lighter (and better in our humble opinion)...By no means a controversial candy and goes with anything as well. Put it on a cake, ice cream or have some with coffee. Doesn´t matter. Everyone likes it.
Opal (Green and Red)
A gentleman commenting on our Icelandic classics box was obviously in considerable dismay whilst typing: "Where is the Opal?" And boy was he spot on! How can anyone in their right mind make an Icelandic Classics Box without OPAL?! We hang our head in shame actually and future Icelandic Classics boxes will come with a free pack of Opal thanks to him!
But what are they? Opal are small, round, salmiak (or menthol in red) liquorice pastilles that are one of the things you would find in the pocket or purse of the average Icelander and has been for decades. Everyone knows the taste and it doesn't change although they add varieties regularly (and so will we).

Conga Xtra - The ultimate retro chocolate bar!
Although in theory it's really just a thick ice cream wafer covered in chocolate, it has a big cult following and has been around since we had 3 digit phone numbers apparently!
So there must be some magic hidden within the Conga...Order now and taste for yourself!