The Icelandic Classics Box!
Icelanders seem to have a tendency to be into new things, being creative and always in search of the next big thing. Well, sometimes it might be time to look back and see what products have survived through the decades! What are the Icelandic classics that just stay on the market despite the ever changing world around them? We have chosen a few products that is safe to say represent Icelandic classics:

The legendary SS Pylsusinnep that to this day (and every day from now until the sun swallows the Earth) is the most important ingredient on an Icelandic hot dog. Unchanged in taste and appearance for decades despite generations of graphic designers dreaming of getting their paws on the design.
The old-school, traditional Icelandic chocolate plates from Nói Siríus. Generations of Icelanders have grown up stealing this from their parents baking pantries. An absolute classic of a chocolate.
People who have tasted this iconic Icelandic soda pop will have a hard time forgetting it. It is essentially a Fanta-esque orange soda except just different and with a lot less sweetness. This goes so well with the iconic Icelandic hotdog, salty food and even liquorice! You should try or if you already did; treat yourself!
Legend states that when kids in the 60's went to the candy store they would buy one classic Nói milk chocolate bar and one liquorice ribbon and eat them together. Picking up on the trend Nói started packaging the set and selling together as "One Set" or "Eitt Sett"! Try it! *
The combo is probably one of the most Icelandic candy trends of all time, and for good reason. The sweetness of the rich chocolate perfectly balances out the sharp liquorice taste making an ideal lil’ bite. One plate of chocolate and one plate of liquorice, bite together or just separate.
You should always have a bit of bitter with your sweet. It will make you appreciate the sweetness even more. This is the secret to why the Nordic countries love Liquorice so much. But when we add marsipan to the mix, the results are decadent and fancy. This is the finest liquorice you'll find and a perfect gateway drug to that bitter sweet goodness
This is the real deal and doesn't get more Icelandic. 100g of flat, hard yet soft fillets of haddock, air dried outdoors to perfection. Enjoy with salty butter. So healthy, so tasty and so perfect when you need that little something in between meals...

If you need to dress up as an Icelander for whatever reason, start with this 66°N húfa. Generations of Icelanders working outdoors have worn this exact style and it has survived decades of treacherous fashion assaults and taken its rightful place as an Icelandic classic.
A gentleman commenting on our Icelandic classics box was obviously in considerable dismay whilst typing: "Where is the Opal?" And boy was he spot on! How can anyone in their right mind make an Icelandic Classics Box without OPAL?! We hang our head in shame actually and future Icelandic Classics boxes will come with a free pack of Opal thanks to him!