Hotel Silence by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir

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One of best translated books 2018 according to Reykjavík Grapevine.

Translated by Brian FitzGibbon
Winner of the 2018 Nordic Council Literature Prize, ‘Hotel Silence’ is characterised by the bleak humour it applies to the tragedy of human existence. In the novel, Auður Ava interrogates the more benevolent aspects of traditional masculine values through her protagonist: a solemn middle-aged handyman whose only means of communicating love is by installing kitchens, tiling bathrooms and being useful to his relations and compatriots. When those meagre tools prove insufficient after an emotional blow, he sets off on a journey to an unspecified location with the aim of committing suicide in as quiet and polite a manner as possible.

Also get Miss Iceland or Butterflies in November from Auður Ava!. Same shipping price for two books!