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Einar, the mystical Icelandic Unicorn Candle - by Pyropet

Regular price $35.00

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You’ve found Einar, the mystical Icelandic Unicorn. Legend holds that he has a heart of gold. We can only vouch for the ribs and spine. Best to check for yourself.
Einar is available in a charming Lilac color.

Einar is designed by Þórunn Árnadóttir.

Þórunn won Grapevine Design Awards 2014 and you can read about the candles she is doing here and excerpt below:

The panelists admired the creators’ ability to turn an everyday item into something new. “A candle,” one laughed. “Nobody thought you could do anything else with a candle.”

Also interview with Þórunn here.

Product Information:

Materials: Paraffin wax, cotton wick and aluminium.

Safety Warnings:

Hot Skeleton: Do not touch the skeleton during burning. It
becomes hot and may cause injury if touched directly.
High Flame: The flame may become high during burning. The
wick of the candle should be kept trimmed to 1/4 inch.
The dimensions of a Einar candle are: 5.1 x 2.6 x 8 inches
(13 x 6.5 x 20.3 cm). Each candle should have a burning time of approximately
16 hours.
Each candle is slightly different and will burn in it’s own
unique way. We recommend placing your candle on a plate with a minimum diameter
of 10 inches (25 cm) to contain the wax as it melts.
Melting Wax: Pyropet Candles are designed to melt in ways
that are different from traditional candles. During the burning process they
may release large amounts of liquid wax. care should be taken to put the candle
on a plate or other contain to eliminate the risk of wax overflow.
Einar is certified to meet US and EU candle safety standards.