Pylsusinnep - Hot Dog Mustard by SS
The legendary SS Pylsusinnep that to this day (and every day from now until the sun swallows the Earth) is the most important ingredient on an Icelandic hot dog. Unchanged in taste and appearance for decades despite generations of graphic designers dreaming of getting their paws on the design. Also check out the Vals Tómatsósa!
For decades the world famous Bæjarins Bestu hot dog stand has had an edge over their local competition. But what is it that sets them apart? The view from our office (and nose for investigative journalism) has given us an unprecedented opportunity to uncover their secret! Are you ready?

We noticed a mysterious white van that came every Thursday morning with a delivery of gallons of ketchup...But was it Hunt's or Libby's or Heinz? No! Turns out that it is a unknown Icelandic Ketchup called Vals Tómatsósa! Vals was founded with the sole purpose of supplying this very hot dog stand in 1960! Can you believe it? And what is more; it only contains a third of what these international brands are using in added sugar! So more healthy AND better AND now available to you!