Watch out for that damned Yule Cat

Volcano in a Bag

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This small  book contains a remarkable collection of photographs and stories about all the major volcanic eruptions in Iceland throughout the centuries, including the recent one in Geldingadalir.

In the book, readers can learn how Iceland brought nearly all global air traffic to a standstill in 2010 and may even have sparked the French Revolution in 1789 (this is a popular notion, but has never been proven to be true).

A fantastic insight into the dramatic history of Icelandic volcanoes, adorned with breathtaking photographs that make this little book seem much bigger than it actually is. And it comes in convenient packaging — a bag that should not be closed.

Vilhelm Gunnarsson, the photographer, took most of the pictures in the book, including those from Geldingadalir and other recent eruptions.